Sean McGrath, CTO, Propylon

Sean McGrath's Weblog.

Saturday, March 15, 2003
    WS-Insanity and WAP
Mark Baker rails against WS-Addressing with good reason. All these nonsense Web Service specs remind me of WAP.

A: "We need a tag to represent links"
B: "HTML uses an 'a' tag"
A: "Okay, lets create a 'go' tag!"
B: "Whats the point?"
A: "Becuase our stuff is different."
B: "Why?"
A: "Okay, whats the next question we need to resolve?"
B: "I give up...".

The WS folks are committed to creating a whole new edifice. It ain't the Web. It's an attempt to wall the garden just like WAP was. They should stop calling it the Web. That way, like WAP, it will find its niche and thrive.

posted by Sean 12:55 AM
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Wednesday, March 12, 2003
    Don Box speaks of a terrible, terrible thing

    """A "terrible, terrible thing" has happened in the past two years, he told developers here. The software industry has become so fixated on new specifications that it has lost sight of the fundamental goal: using XML to link software applications together. While some new specs that have been proposed are important and useful, others are too complex and still others will probably never be used, including some from Microsoft"""

    SOAP author says enough specs already

Yup. Yup.

posted by Sean 1:19 PM
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    Python gets an O'Reilly Nutshell Guide
Python gets an O'Reilly Nutshell Guide. Every shelf should have one.

posted by Sean 1:10 PM
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    First and last anti-war-in-Iraq blog entry
The best, most beautiful, most poignant anti-war song ever written. (Read it but listen to it if you can - at least twice.).
The Island (Paul Brady)

posted by Sean 4:09 AM
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    Lets move XML-DEV
Tim Bray on the sad state of the xml-dev mailing list and archive. Case in point, all this month (and its nearly half over) this link has been devoid of an entry for March.

posted by Sean 3:53 AM
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    Google coming to Ireland
It seems Google are coming to Ireland. I guess that demotes us to the second biggest users of Python in this country:-)

posted by Sean 3:45 AM
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Tuesday, March 11, 2003
    Book != ISBN
Five books?. Well, only three really with two "packs". I've only ever seen the packs for sale in one book shop.

posted by Sean 10:54 AM
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    Recursions - I can't resist them
I note today that the invented term googlechopped is still far from being googlechopped.
On the radio I heard that some behind-the-scenes ruminations on proposed changes to Ireland's FOI (Freedom of Information) act, are now public thanks to an invocation of - yup you guessed in, the FOI act.
I really need to get out more :-;

posted by Sean 7:59 AM
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    The Web Services Scandal
Paul Kulchenko points to an EAI Journal article well worth a read. As is this which resonates strongly with my own beliefs:

    ...That's probably why documents should be the primary focus and the way you send bytes and bits is of secondary importance. Build your vocabularies, define your semantics, structure your documents, then talk about SOAP, REST or pigeon mail to deliver them.

Think about systems in terms of data flowing through processing nodes. Decompose the problem based on how data changes with respect to time. For too long now we have been subordinating the data to the high priest of algorithms. Putting all our efforts into cleverer and cleverer ways to decompose algorithms. A momumental waste of time and money.
Its the DATA stupid! :-)
Oh, and lest we forget - there is no such thing as "the structure" or "the semantics". These are local to a process in a time and place. At each flow point, you need transformational capabilities. Zen, flow and emergence in information models.

posted by Sean 2:13 AM
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    The application configuration conumdrum
In the ITWorld archives today: The application configuration conundrum. Regardless of how much you pay for a system from 0 through to a 1 followed by lots of 0's - a ridiculous amount of time and money is spent on configuration.

posted by Sean 1:33 AM
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    Blogging goes mainstream
[via] Blogging goes mainstream

posted by Sean 1:27 AM
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    RSS Autodiscovery
A mail from Sam Ruby pointing me at RSS Autodiscovery. My template for this site now contains :
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href=""/>
thus allowing smart tools to autodiscover my RSS feed. Thanks Sam.

posted by Sean 1:21 AM
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Monday, March 10, 2003
    RSS has no verbs - again
Now that I have read more on Sam Ruby's site - particularly value of uniform interfaces and the RESTlog API, I see now that I misread his take on RSS not having any verbs. I find myself in violent agreement with Sam.
Isn't this just beautiful?.

posted by Sean 1:43 PM
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    RSS has no verbs. Is that suprising?
Sam Ruby: RSS has no verbs.
But neither does HTML or XFML or LOGPIFIMAOMSM-ML (Lump Of Green Putty, I Found In My Armpit, One Mid Summers Morning - Markup Language).
Only protocols - like HTTP - need such things. Right? A big part of the RESTian world-view is that we should not roll-our-own imperatives in our applications. We have a good mechanism for doing it out of the box - HTTP. I'm delighted RSS has no verbs :-)

posted by Sean 1:33 PM
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    A simpler RDDL
A simpler RDDL. I do hope something like this reaches collective consiousness levels. I hate traversing namespace links only to get a 404 custard pie in the face.

posted by Sean 1:54 AM
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Sunday, March 09, 2003
    Javascript gets Scheme-ish stuff
Rhino doing first class continuations and tail-recursion cleverness. Interesting.

posted by Sean 2:32 PM
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