Sean McGrath, CTO, Propylon

Sean McGrath's Weblog.

Saturday, October 02, 2004
    The Jazz approach to E-Business integration
Some Fats Waller sounds on your MP3 player would be a suitable background to this article : The Jazz approach to E-Business integration.

posted by Sean 1:48 AM
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    The wonders of trang
I have been using trang a lot for quite a long time. So, it came as a great shock to me to realise that I had somehow missed some very powerful capabilities it posesses.
There I was, flicking my way through XML Hacks when the book fairly shouted out at me that trang can generate schemas from instance documents. I never knew that. I have no idea how come I never managed to internalise that (now blindingly obvious) fact.

You create an XML instance:

    <bar baz="bork"/>
    Hello World

You run:

    java -jar d:\data\utils\trang.jar -I xml -O rnc foo.xml foo.rnc

You get:

    default namespace = ""

    start =
    element foo {
    | element bar {
    attribute baz { xsd:NCName }

Wonderful! This riffs rather nicely with an upcoming ITWorld article on the subject of ex post facto formalisation of schemas in XML app dev.

posted by Sean 1:09 AM
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
    Of state machines and imperative logic
The 'why' and the 'how' of business processes explores the relationship between state machines and control logic and in particular, what we can usefully visualize and what we cannot.

posted by Sean 1:34 AM
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Monday, September 27, 2004
    Getting dirty with SOAP
At XML Open 2004, Uche pointed at in his presentation. Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

posted by Sean 2:28 AM
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