Sean McGrath, CTO, Propylon

Sean McGrath's Weblog.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
    Making fractals Origami style
Constructing the dragon. Some wet Sunday afternoon I'm going to make one of these.

posted by Sean 2:01 AM
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Wednesday, September 10, 2003
    The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing.
It won't be the last.

posted by Sean 12:08 PM
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    Rabbits, mountains, tweezers
I am a rabbit. I am moving a mountain with tweezers. An ITWorld article on the growing gulf between storage capacity and bandwidth capacity.

posted by Sean 1:19 AM
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    UDDI woes
"The UDDI standard was initially misconceived, then neglected, and now it's on the verge of fragmenting into multiple implementations with limited interoperability." --
A complex system that works invariably can be traced back to a simple system that worked. That is a law named after someone, I cannot remember who at the moment. Anyway, UDDI and a bunch of other Web Service "standards" are showing what happens if you ignore this law.
I'm a UDDI heretic by the way.

posted by Sean 12:22 AM
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Monday, September 08, 2003
    Testing software
Medidations on testing and the sequiter (as in the opposite of "non sequiter":-) that leads to dynamic languages (oh, an XML as a catalyst.). Anyway, testing, testing, one two three, testing. An ITWorld article.

posted by Sean 12:37 PM
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    Problem oriented
A mockup of a home page for Problem oriented - I love it.

posted by Sean 1:20 AM
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