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 These days, I mostly post my tech musings on Linkedin.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanmcgrath/

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, it has been almost *two years* since I came to live in Lawrence Kansas to work on the KLISS project. KLISS is by far the most all-inclusive vision for eDemocracy I have come across and it has been a very rewarding and very intense work, extending our core LWB product to be able to implement the vision.

So intense, that I have had little brain-space to devote to writing/blogging...

I hope to be able to devote some time to blogging/writing in the months ahead. The way LWB meets the challenges of the KLISS vision are, I think, interesting and I'm going to try to find ways to lay out the key technical concepts here.

When asked to outline KLISS I generally start by saying that KLISS is an application in the same way that Chinatown is a restaurant. It is absolutely vast in its scope. It touches everything from creating new bills to realtime display of legislative activity to remote testimony at committees to authentication of born-digital legal materials. And everything in between.

So anyway, if document management, or XML, or jurisprudence, or temporal logic, or political science, or event driven architectures, or democracy or digital preservation, or authentication, or legislative intent, or law.gov or data.gov or semantics is your thing, you might be interested in what will appear here over the next while!

If you work in this field or are involved in creating applications in similar areas, please get in touch. I'd love to compare notes.


BillSeitz said...

talk to Jon Udell

Anonymous said...

Nice work Sean. So that's where you are. I remember when eCabinet was being mooted here on the sod, I tried to get them to go in the direction of issue escalation, deliberation and resolution - to enable the application of actual knowledge to resolve complex questions. Instead, they opted to move from analogue (paper) to digital - and created a monster. It sounds like the LWB would make a lot more sense in cabinet (which is part of the legislative process). But you'll have to draw a picture of the box, T and T+1 (too complex for a very simple mind like mine). Regards. Hope the painting isn't suffering! CB