The New Reality. Now that has a ring to it. It just might catch on as a buzzphrase. My 2 cents contribution to what New Reality looks like.
Paths to the New Reality
You need to do the following...
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that "scripting" is sloppy, un-professional, cavalier. Lose the condescending notion that real programmers compile programs.
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that the only professional way to manage data is in a relational database and a fully normalized database at that.
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that REST is just a toy for the simple case and that professional programmers use Object Oriented Web Services
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that synchronizing activity is the only sane way to manage a distributed system. Don't even think about trying distributed ACID transactions
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that statically compiled apps will scale better.
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that you can know a priori, the bits of your application that will be performance hogs
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that you can know today what your application will need to look like tomorrow. And lose the supposition that front-end technology will stand still for any reasonable period of time.
- Lose the demonstrably false supposition that careful planning is the way to make waterfall development work.