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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In Document/Web land everything is "call by value"

Ian Bicking noodles the fundamental issue of the relationship between Documents and Objects (as those terms are used in the programming patois of English).

He hits on a useful distinction that resonates with me : in Document-style everything is call-by-value.

Very useful.

The Balisage Markup conference

Markup conferences are a fundamentally useful thing in the universe. Herewith some information about a new one, Montréal, August, what's not to like?

    Balisage is a peer reviewed conference designed to meet the needs of markup theoreticians and practitioners who are pushing the boundaries of the field. It's all about the markup: how to create it; what it means; hierarchies and overlap; modeling; taxonomies; transformation; query, searching, and retrieval; presentation and accessibility; making systems that make markup dance (or dance faster to a different tune in a smaller space) - in short, changing the world and the web through the power of marked-up information.

    It's an XML Conference. It's an XSL Conference. It's a conference about SGML, LMNL, XSL-FO, XTM, RDF, XQuery, SVG, MathML, OWL, UBL, XSD, TexMECS, RNG, and a lot more. We welcome papers about topic maps, document modeling, markup of overlapping structures, ontologies, metadata, content management, and other markup-related topics at Balisage.

    We welcome papers about topic maps, document modeling, markup of overlapping structures, ontologies, metadata, content management, and other markup-related topics at Balisage. If you want to talk, in detail, about XML, XSL, SGML, LMNL, XSL-FO, XTM, RDF, XQuery, SVG, MathML, OWL, UBL, XSD, TexMECS, RNG, or any other markup-related topic, we urge you to participate in Balisage.


    Submit full papers in XML to info@balisage.net
    Guidelines, details, and schemas at http://www.balisage.net/submissions.html

    15 March 2008 - Peer Review Applications Due
    18 April 2008 - Paper Submissions Due
    20 May 2008 - Speakers Notified
    18 July 2008 - Revised Papers Due
    11 August 2008 - Versioning Symposium
    12-15 August 2008 - Balisage: The Markup Conference

    If you have any questions about Balisage send email to info@balisage.net

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

XML Fallacies to watch out for

A list of 23 of the most mundungus, noisome, hircine and jumentous fallacies that I have chewed on, ejected, strode briskly past or anhelated in the presence of, over the last twenty years practicing as a document management/content management/publishing-oriented person.

Data-heads who see the world (and thus the XML within it) in terms of relational tables or in terms of property-value pairs should probably just move swiftly on. Nothing to see here. Doc-heads and Web-heads: read on:

XML Fallacies to watch out for.