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Saturday, March 09, 2013

Memory lane...

Weird experience in some ways, walking around the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley.

Provokes an interesting feeling that there isn't a word for in English. Maybe Ithkuil has a word for it...."The feeling you get looking at items in museum cases that you consider to have been current very recently. Too recently to be in a museum and the concomitant feeling that maybe you too, should be in the case staring out, rather than staring in."...Or something like that.

Here is the ZX80 they have on display....
That is where it all started for me. The start of a hopeless addiction you could say. An all consuming passion. Yes, both of those but also, all things considered....amazing, incredible fun. What a journey to have lived through and participated in. And its all changed so fast that there are already museums for this stuff....

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