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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Plone is to Zope as XML is to SGML

This story uses the noun "Plone" (as in "Plone") as a verb.


Plone is what you get when you assemble some cool stuff on top of a Zope substrate, parcel it up, get people behind it, etc. Plone is very wonderful stuff because (at leat in part), Zope is very cool stuff. Zope in turn is very wonderful stuff because (at least in part) Python is cool stuff.

The verbification of Plone reminds me of the birth of XML. We got XML by assembling some cool stuff on top of an SGML substrate, parcelled it up, got people behind it, etc. People use XML as a verb in a way they never used SGML as a verb.

Interesting, things, verbs...I mean nouns.

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