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Friday, May 29, 2009

Balisage looks good (again)

Again, the lineup for the Balisage conference looks good.

Some of the talks look intriguining. Markup as a nomic game sounds very interesting. Lots about pipelines...

I see that Michael Kay is going to talk about Jacskson Structured Programming and how it relates to XML and XML processing. Yay! Back in 1996 I gave a talk about JSP/JSD and SGML processing at SGML '96. I'm looking forward to reading Michael's paper. Jackson's inversion concept was a stroke of genius and his JSP/JSD work has very much influenced how I think about XML processing.


Unknown said...

Hey Sean,

Today I rediscovered your awesome Powerpoint slides:

Performing impossible feats of
XML processing with pipelining

You are the Father of XML pipeline processing. Why aren't you involved with the XProc technology?


Sean McGrath said...


I'm not involved because of a four letter word: time :-/

Norman Walsh, way back, kindly asked e to get involved but at the time, I did not have a W3C membership which seemed to be a pre-requisite.
