Again, the lineup for the Balisage conference looks good.
Some of the talks look intriguining. Markup as a nomic game sounds very interesting. Lots about pipelines...
I see that Michael Kay is going to talk about Jacskson Structured Programming and how it relates to XML and XML processing. Yay! Back in 1996 I gave a talk about JSP/JSD and SGML processing at SGML '96. I'm looking forward to reading Michael's paper. Jackson's inversion concept was a stroke of genius and his JSP/JSD work has very much influenced how I think about XML processing.
Hey Sean,
Today I rediscovered your awesome Powerpoint slides:
Performing impossible feats of
XML processing with pipelining
You are the Father of XML pipeline processing. Why aren't you involved with the XProc technology?
I'm not involved because of a four letter word: time :-/
Norman Walsh, way back, kindly asked e to get involved but at the time, I did not have a W3C membership which seemed to be a pre-requisite.
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